Tuesday, February 28, 2012

[Cs-club-l] CS Club Minutes - 2/28

Hi Everyone,

Here are the minutes from the meeting today

Letters for Dr. Rivoire

Dr. Rivoire has been nominated for the Excellence in Teaching Award. If you have been a student of hers please send an email to
holmstrl@sonoma.edu and tell them how great of a teacher she is. This will help her win the award which we all know she deserves. This is very important to Dr. Rivoire, Dr. Kooshesh and her students. Emails need to be sent by March 2nd! You have three days! Go do it now! Stop reading this email and write it!

Board Game Night:

Come out this Friday, at 4:00 PM for an awesome board game night! Take your mind off of coding for a few hours and have fun with friends. Bring games to play, snacks to eat, and friends to play with. The games can be anything that is not a video game, so I expect some of the folks in 470 to bring a physical version of Pentago, well maybe not.

Trip to Vertigo:
Right after the meeting ended, Carissa heard from Vertigo. We have a trip planned March 9th in the afternoon. We are likely going to meet at around 2:00pm and carpool down together. If you are going to meet us our appointment is from 3:30pm until 5:00pm. Vertigo loves to hire Sonoma State CS majors, so come out! This is a great opportunity. We will have more information in the meeting next week.

Open Lab Every Friday
Every Friday from 12-4p we are going to have an open lab session in Darwin 25. Please come out and help others, or get help yourself. This is a great opportunity to build the community and get to know each other.

Lab Reminder:
If you are the last one to leave one of the labs please close the doors and turn off the lights please. Please help protect these valuable assets to our major.

Geek Week (3/11-3/16)
Come join your fellow geeks during the week of Pi Day!
Participate in games everyday to earn our department points. The department with the most points at the end of the week wins the Darwin Cup! It will be a lot of fun and a great way to meet and get to know your fellow CS majors.

The first event will be dodge ball at 2pm in the Rec Center. If you don't like dodge ball just show up so we can get participation points.

The rest of the events will be Monday-Friday at 12pm somewhere around Darwin or Stevenson.

We are co-hosting Rock, Paper, Scissors with Geology on Monday at 12pm.

If you want a t-shirt bring $10 to the next meeting, however, the people on the list will be the first to get a shirt.

Trivia Night (Either April 20th or 21st)
Come battle against faculty and alumni to test your knowledge of computer science! This should be a fun night with pizza and getting our butts kicked by our professors. Dr. Ledin comes up with the questions so pay attention to him in class. I know I will in both Software Engineering, and in Malware!

Next Meeting (3/6)
Because of Geek Week, the original date for our next meeting has been canceled for us. The next meeting with be next week, March 6th at 12pm in Darwin 25.

Have a great week! Happy coding!


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