Tuesday, January 31, 2012

[Cs-club-l] Meeting Notes - 1/31/12

Good day, CS Club.

Here are the notes from today's CS Club meeting:

CS Club's New Direction - More CS
CS Club in the past has had a major focus on gaming and leisure activities. Though we're still intending to have these event and activities, we're going to be placing more emphasis on academic pursuits and providing an environment in the department/club similar to how it used to be a couple years back. In order to accomplish this, we're making two major changes:

  1. Open lab times - We're hoping to let the labs be a haven for students to work and collaborate and group up
  2. Less LANs - Computer problems aside, we're going to reevaluate the LAN situation before we actually throw one.
Job Openings
There are a number of positions available to CS Majors, including teaching someone UNIX, Web Design, and MySQL, and a number of other positions. If you wish to inquire, please e-mail csclubevents@gmail.com

We're looking for interest in trips to a number of tech companies, such as Vertigo, Drivesavers, and even a trip to the Computer History Museum. Express interest to csclubevents@gmail.com or come to the next meeting and speak up.

Interview/Resume Talks
Keep your eyes and ears pealed for future events geared towards building skills to help you get a job after school.

All of our positions will be open at the end of this semester. We're going to need a new President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Fun Police//Event Coordinator. Keep that in mind.

The next meeting will take place on Feb. 14. Hope to see you all then (You can be our valentine <3).

Any further questions/suggestions/concerns can be directed to csclubevents@gmail.com

'Till next time,
Charles Semple
CS Club Event Coordinator

Monday, January 30, 2012

[Cs-club-l] Meeting Reminder

Hello everyone,

This is a reminder that today at noon in Darwin 101 there is a Student Advisory Counsel Meeting. Pizza will be provided. Also, our first CS Club meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday 31 at noon in Darwin 25.

See you there,

Cs-club-l mailing list

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

[Cs-club-l] Colloquium Talk and SAC Meeting

Hello everyone,


This is just a reminder that tomorrow, January 26, the clubs will be giving a short presentation about what is in store for this semester.  This talk will be fairly short and will take place at noon in Salazar 2016.


There is also a Student Advisory Council meeting on Monday, January 30 at noon in Darwin 101. These meetings are specifically for the School of Science and Technology and are nice to go to. During this SAC meeting we will be going over the details of Geek Week as well as other things that are happening around campus. Emily Hurd, our senator for the School of Science and Technology, is trying to entice more students to attend this meeting by providing pizza if enough students say they will attend.


Thanks and I will see you tomorrow at colloquium,

Carissa Wacker

Saturday, January 21, 2012

[Cs-club-l] Back to School

Hello everyone,


I hope you all had a great break and are getting back into the swing of things for the new semester.


Here’s what’s upcoming with the Computer Science Club:

Thursday, January 27 @ noon, Salazar 2016 – Colloquium Talk. We are not going to do pizza this semester since the pizza arrived so late in the fall.

Tuesday, January 31 @ noon, Darwin 25 First meeting. We have a plethora of opportunities this semester including resume writing workshops and interview practice. Come to the meeting to find out more and help plan club events.


I hope to see you all at Colloquium next week!


Carissa Wacker

CS Club President