Tuesday, October 25, 2011
[Cs-club-l] Meeting Notes - 10/25/2011
Here's a recap of the meeting that took place this afternoon:
-LAN Party Review
-We'll try to coordinate with campus police so that no one gets locked out from another CS event in the future.
-We'll be hosting another LAN party, likely on November 18. As always, this LAN would start at 6PM. Any suggestions for games to play or any concerns can be directed towards officers or e-mailed to us.
Board Game Night - November 4 @ 4PM - Darwin Lobby
-Bring yourselves and some fun board games to relax and play with fun Computer Science people.
T-Shirt Designs
-We're looking for designs for some club t-shirts. Make some art and bring it to the next meeting for consideration.
The next CS Club/WICS meeting will be Nov. 8, in Darwin 25 at noon. Hope to see you there.
-Charles Semple
CS Club Event Coordinator
Monday, October 24, 2011
[Cs-club-l] *Correction* Meeting on 10/25
[Cs-club-l] Meeting Reminder 10/15
Just a reminder that there is a CS Meeting tomorrow at noon in Dar 25. I also wanted to apologize to those of you who were locked out of Darwin for Saturday's LAN Party. We are now aware of that the campus police lock the doors to Darwin on the weekends and will make sure that the doors remain unlocked during our next event.
Thanks and see you tomorrow,
Friday, October 21, 2011
[Cs-club-l] LAN Party Reminder
Don't forget about our LAN Party on Sat. Oct 22 @ 6pm. Please bring $5 for pizza and sodas. LOL will be hosted in Dar 24 (Mac Lab) and Dar 25/28 will be other various games. Feel free to bring any console and games as well as we have also rented out classrooms.
See you tomorrow,
Carissa Wacker
CS Club President
Cs-club-l mailing list
Saturday, October 15, 2011
[Cs-club-l] Reminder: No LAN Party Tonight
This is just a reminder that tonight's LAN Party has been rescheduled for next Sat. Oct 22 @ 6pm.
Cs-club-l mailing list
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
[Cs-club-l] Make Magazine Open House
I was asked to pass along that Make Magazine is having an open house tomorrow from 7-9pm at the O'Reilly campus in Sebastopol. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Carissa Wacker
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
[Cs-club-l] Meeting Notes 10/11
The LAN Party is now taking place on October the 22nd. The labs in the Darwin basement will host both an exclusive LoL tournament while the others will be open to all other games. The party starts at 6 p.m. and there will be a $5 charge for pizza and soda.
There will be a Board Game/Movie Night on November the 4th. This will take place on the first floor of Darwin starting at 4 p.m. The movies will be watched in the basement.
The next CS/WICS meeting will take place on the 25th of October at 12 p.m. in D25.
Paul Henry
CS Club Treasurer

Sunday, October 9, 2011
[Cs-club-l] Meeting Reminder 10/11
This is just a reminder that this week we have our meeting at noon in Darwin 25 and our LAN Party on Sat. at 6pm.
See you then,
Cs-club-l mailing list